lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2008

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E-commerce and tourism

A Theoretic Discussion of Tourism e-commerce

  • Para encontrar esta información fui a la pagina de Portal ACM.
  • Luego en el campo de busqueda ingrese la palabra Tourism.
  • Finalmente encontre las opciones y posteriormente elegí las que considere relevantes para mi trabajo.

This paper presents the model of e-market structure and process analysis of tourism e-commerce. First the tourism e-commerce status quo is given clearly; secondly e-commerce and its classification, especially B2B2C show themselves; thirdly, based on the above, the paper focuses on the analysis of tourism e-commerce model, e-market structure and process. Using the four-quadrant method, the model reveals why tourism e-commerce is reaching its prime compared with other business, and that tourism e-commerce informationizes its value chain, resulting in numerous value-generating strategies such as value extraction, value capture, value addition and value creation; The tourism e-market structure, just a B2B2C application, is actually a tourist information network linking all market participants and reflecting the economic relationships between them; tourism e-commerce process is only the process of suppliers plus tourist life cycle, deeply leading to distributed B2B2C application.

8 Chen Guogui, Hou Weihua and Wang Yanzhang, the development and countermeasures research of Chinese tourism e-commerce, Academy Journal of Dalian University of Technology, 10.
9 Schuster, A. A Delphi survey on electronic distribution channels for intermediaries in the tourism industry: The situation in German speaking countries. In Proceedings of the Enter 2002 Conference. Springer Verlag, Wien, NY, 224--234.
10 Sweet, P. Designing interactive value development. Phd. Thesis, Dept. of Business Administration, Lund. Univ., Lund Business Press. Sweden, 2001.

11 Werthner, H. and Klein, S. Information Technology and Tourism---A Challenging Relationship. Springer Verlag, Wien, NY, 1999.

Huernia Hystrix Flower Corona Macro

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lunes, 17 de noviembre de 2008

Acta Montanistica Slovaca

Tourism oriented GIS project for the district of Michalovc
Tourism has considerable importance in the economic and social context of countries. Therefore, tourism development strategiesare being formulated for the support Slovakia’s progress at a regional and national level. If the contribution of tourism to economy andits development potential are taken into consideration, traditional methods of tourism-related information dissemination are inadequate.When planning, taking decisions, , analysing the effect of changes, looking for patterns, etc., we may have to look at maps, tables,charts, lists, graphs or reports, and sometimes it is rather difficult or nearly impossible to pull all these sources of information togetherand make sense of them. Geographical information systems (GIS) however, have the capability to handle several types of informationthat can be related to a specific area. Therefore, using GIS, it becomes possible to integrate tourism related information, visualizecomplex scenarios, present ideas and derive effective solutions. GIS is in Slovakia is just becoming known as a valuable analytical toolby the tourism industry and as a tourism economic development tool by local government.
Editorial: Technical University of Kosice
País de origen: Eslovaquia
Idioma: Eslovaco
Año de inicio: 1996
Autor: Ladislav Vizi
ISSN: 13351788

Selcuk Universitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitusu Dergisi

In this study sustainable tourism management and its
marketing perspectives are discussed generally. Sustainability relies on the importance of understanding the value of tourism resources today and tomorrow. It is important to consider the tourism resources by use of tourism management and achieving sustainable tourism by use of eco tourism criteria. This study focuses on sustainable tourism management and its marketing understanding. This study could be qualified as a compilation and the promotion of tourism resources with respect to environment-human communication regarding managerial process, use of resources, relationships between host community and potential customers, marketing of touristic destinations are discussed in the framework of sustainable tourism management.
Editorial: Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü
País de origen: Turquía
Idioma: Turco
Autor: Mete SEZGİN
Año de inicio: 2008
Issn: 13021796

Introducción Trabajo Final

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miércoles, 5 de noviembre de 2008

Desarrollo de la Comunidad

Desarrollo de la Comunidad: Refiere no a los valores culturales pero se inclina al desarrollo económico o tecnologico. Podría ser utilizado para referirse a una comunidad en proceso de iniciación de la industria turística.



Capital: Aplicado al turismo, la consecuencia o hecho que el capital de las áreas desarrolladas es tránsferido a aquellas zonas consideradas menos desarrolladas por concepto de gastos de turistas.


Intercambio Cultural

Intercambio Cultural: características con cierto grado interaccion intensa con personas de las áreas visitadas de esta forma lops turistas aprenden de primera mano su arte, cultura, historia y forma de vivir.


Zona Turística

Zona Turística: zona dónde el turismo se ha convertido en la mayor fuente de ingresos y en la may0r influencia cultural. También, un área que atrae turistas.


Comunidad Receptora

Comunidad Receptora: Lugar que recive más visitantes extranjeros que ciudadanos que viajan en un país. También, país que recive más visitantes que ésta misma genera.


Oferta Turística

Oferta Turística: cualquiera o algunas combinaciones de lo bienes del turismo y servicios disponibles al turista. Las experiencias y memorias resultantes de ser parte en una actividad turística.



Turismo: definida de varias formas. Variedad de productos y servicios ofrecidos y deseados por la gente que están fuera de su lugar de residencia. También la relación y fenómeno asociado con los viajes y visitas temporales de la gente que viaja principalmente por ocio y recreación.
